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     Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology

The Effects of Thermal Treatment on the Emulsion Quality of Mutton Meat (Ovis aries) and Bovine Meat (Bos indicus)

Pedro Romero, Gilma Paadilla and Armando Alvis
Facultad de Ingenierias, Universidad de Cordoba, Programa de Ingenieria de Alimentos, Carrera 6 N°76-103, Montería, 230001, Colombia
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology  2018  SPL:197-204
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/ajfst.14.5895  |  © The Author(s) 2018
Received: September 14, 2017  |  Accepted: December 15, 2017  |  Published: July 10, 2018


The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of heat treatment in a meat emulsion using mutton and beef. Being animals from the same species, even when they differ on the age of sacrifice, mutton is not as appreciated as lamb for direct consumption, which is why mutton is mostly used for industrial transformation. The purpose of this essay was to determine the effect of scalding over the physico-chemical, texture and sensory quality in a meat emulsion elaborated from mutton meat (Ovis aries) and bovine meat (Bos indicus). Proximal analysis were run on the meat (humidity, protein and fat, the functionals (pH, CRA y CE); meat emulsions were elaborated with variations on the mutton-bovine relation, stuffed and scalded at 70, 72, 74 y 76°C and vacuum packed. The samples were subject to TPA analysis, sensorial and of color. The results of the proximal composition were 16,95% humidity; 18,95% protein; 2,86% fat and regarding the functionalities, of 5,28 for pH, 62,98% for CRA and 38,00% for CE; the results of the texture profile (TPA), showed that for all of the parameters there were significant differences (p<0.05) between the temperature and formulation variables. The color analysis show that luminosity, expressed as L* is obtained when emulsion is subject to 76°C or a minimum of 70°C, the sensorial test showed that the most successful sample was the sausage made 100% from mutton meat. It is concluded that with proper scalding temperature and formulation it is possible the industrialization of this type of meat.


Color, emulsion, proximal composition, scalding, texture profile analysis,


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