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     Research Journal of Information Technology

2011(Vol.3, Issue:1)
Article Information:

Optimal Television Adverts Selection, Case Study: Ghana Television (GTV)

S.K. Amponsah, E.O. Oppong and E. Agyeman
Corresponding Author:  S.K. Amponsah 
Submitted: 2010 September, 22
Accepted: 2011 January, 20
Published: 2011 March, 20
The Knapsack Problems are among the simplest integer programs, which are NP-hard. Problems in this class are typically concerned with selecting from a set of given items, each with a specified weight and value, a subset of items whose weight sum does not exceed a prescribed capacity and whose value is maximum. The specific problem that arises depends on the number of knapsacks (single or multiple) to be filled and on the number of available items of each type (bounded or unbounded). In this research paper, we shall consider the application of classical 0-1 knapsack problem with a single constraint to selection of television advertisements at critical periods such as prime time news, news adjacencies, Break in News and peak times using the simple heuristic algorithm.

Key words:  Advertisements, integer programming, Knapsack, NP-hard, , ,
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Cite this Reference:
S.K. Amponsah, E.O. Oppong and E. Agyeman, . Optimal Television Adverts Selection, Case Study: Ghana Television (GTV). Research Journal of Information Technology , (1): 49-54.
ISSN (Online):  2041-3114
ISSN (Print):   2041-3106
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