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     British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology

2012(Vol.3, Issue:6)
Article Information:

Optimization Conditions of Production Fibrinolytic Enzyme from Bacillus lichniformis B4 Local Isolate

Essam F. Al-Juamily and Bushra H. Al-Zaidy
Corresponding Author:  Essam F. Al-Juamily 
Submitted: September 25, 2012
Accepted: November 29, 2012
Published: December 25, 2012
The study was conducted with the aim to found local isolate belongs to Bacillus lichniformis to produce fibrinolytic enzyme with highest activity under optimal conditions. Forty-five local isolates belongs to the genus Bacillus lichniformis were selected for production of fibrinolytic enzyme (E.C. 3.4.). The isolate Bacillus lichniformis B4 was selected due to its high productivity of fibrinolytic enzyme. The optimal conditions for fibrinolytic enzyme production were determined, using a solid Lentils medium (activity 25.25 U/mL) at pH 7.2 (65.381 U/mL), 105 cell/g wet weight (19.185 U/mL) 48 h as incubation time (15.766 U/mL) and shaking incubator (95.992 U/mL) were the optimal culture condition for the production of greatest amount enzyme with highest activity. The optimal carbon and nitrogen sources were mannitol and peptone or soya peptone with activity 44 and 50 unit/mL, respectively.

Key words:  Bacillus lichniformis , fibrinolytic enzyme, optimal conditions, , , ,
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Cite this Reference:
Essam F. Al-Juamily and Bushra H. Al-Zaidy, . Optimization Conditions of Production Fibrinolytic Enzyme from Bacillus lichniformis B4 Local Isolate. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, (6): 289-295.
ISSN (Online):  2044-2467
ISSN (Print):   2044-2459
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