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     British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology

2011(Vol.2, Issue:3)
Article Information:

A Comparative Study on the Acute and Chronic Effect of Oral Administration of Yaji (A Complex Nigerian Meat Sauce) on Some Hematological Parameters

U. Akpamu, A.O. Nwaopara, A.M. Izunya, G.A. Oaikhena, O. Okhiai, B.O. Idonije and U.C. Osifo
Corresponding Author:  Nwaopara, Anthony Obioma 
Submitted: 2010 December, 16
Accepted: 2011 January, 27
Published: 2011 August, 05
This comparative study to determine the acute and chronic effects of Yaji (a complex Nigerian meat sauce) on some hematological parameters involved Wistar rats of an average weight of 188 g. The Wister rats were randomly assigned into six groups (n = 24); group A rats served as the control while group B1-F1 and B2- F2 served as the test groups. Group A (control) received 300 g of growers mash (feed) only and B received 237 g of feed plus 9 g each of the combined constituents of Yaji, while group C, D, E and F, received 291g of feed plus 9 g of clove, ginger, red pepper and black pepper, respectively. At the end of each week, 3 rats were picked at random from the groups for blood sample collection. The collected blood samples were analysed to determine PCV, WBC and differential count; and the resultant average values were then recorded. The first four weeks served as the acute treatment period for test groups B1-F1, while the combination of the first and second four weeks (eight weeks) served as the chronic treatment period for test groups B2-F2. The test results showed a decrease in PCV as compared with that of the control (51.88 .36%). The observed differences in this regard was statistically significant (p<0.05) for the acute treatment group B1, D1 and F1; and for the chronic treatment group C2. However, the PCV value in the chronic treatment group B2, D2, E2 and F2 increased as compared with the acute treatment groups, though this was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Also, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the WBC count and differential count of the test groups as compared with group A. Our findings suggest therefore, that the changes observed in the test groups appear to be duration and dosage dependent and as such, indicates that an unregulated consumption of Yaji has its implications on health and wellbeing considering the clinical significance of PCV.

Key words:  Acute, chronic, heamatological parameters, malnutrition, spices, Yaji,
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Cite this Reference:
U. Akpamu, A.O. Nwaopara, A.M. Izunya, G.A. Oaikhena, O. Okhiai, B.O. Idonije and U.C. Osifo, . A Comparative Study on the Acute and Chronic Effect of Oral Administration of Yaji (A Complex Nigerian Meat Sauce) on Some Hematological Parameters. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, (3): 108-112.
ISSN (Online):  2044-2467
ISSN (Print):   2044-2459
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